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    One Village Coffee

    Embolden • Foundations Series

    Embolden • Foundations Series

    Regular price $14.00
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    Dark Roast
    Notes of Bakers Chocolate & Spice
    Source: Fazenda Bom Jesus, awarded Brazil’s most sustainable coffee farm in 2023


    Fazenda Bom Jesus is a large farm in the Alta Mogiana region of Brazil run by the Oliveira family, which includes the couple Gabriel and Flavia, along with their sons Lucas and Gabriel Junior who are carrying on the families commitment to this land for the past 150 years! 

    Bom Jesus is an exemplary farm when it comes to quality, sustainability, and community. Their commitment has not gone unnoticed, being awarded the most sustainable coffee farm award in 2023! 

    The objective of the Oliveira’s is to sustainably develop their region from a social and economic point of view. The family is a founding member of Alta Mogiana Specialty Coffee Association, which promotes specialty coffee in the region as well as developing better farm practices. When it comes to their employees, performance bonus payments are made alongside employees' fixed wages. All employees on the farm receive specialized literacy training, and their children must be enrolled in the local school. 

    ALTITUDE – 1,270 masl

    LOCATION – Cristais Paulista, Alta Mogiana. Sao Paulo, Brazil

    CERTIFICATIONS – Rainforest Alliance certified, UTZ certified and Alta Mogiana Specialty Coffee Association (AMSC)

    VARIETY – Bourbon, Mundo Novo and Yellow Catuai

    PROCESS – Natural process, sun dried, 30 days of resting period


    Bom Jesus stands out as a Brazil coffee, that’s for sure. There is a lot of sweetness that this coffee has to offer, and that makes for a really good dark roast. This isn’t a roast where we are trying to mask poor quality coffee, which can be done to a certain degree with dark roasts. This is a more gentle dark roast that brings those heavier and bolder flavors into the cup, that slight bitterness from the prolonged caramelization, but it doesn’t overwhelmingly take over the cup. Embolden is a rich dark roast with lower acidity and desirable flavors of bakers chocolate and spice that liven up the brew. 


    Embolden works well two ways for two different kinds of coffee lovers: black or with cream and sugar. Black for the mighty in heart who want a cup with intensity. For those who like to doctor up their brew, this is also the perfect candidate. The flavors will not get drowned out with milk and sugar. However you like to enjoy your coffee, you can drink easy knowing that this coffee comes from a stellar farm. 

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